Let's Celebrate Mardi Bras!

A Mardi Gras tradition is to expose "your girls" in exchange for some colorful beads!  Our take on Mardi Gras is Mardi Bras!!  As survivors of domestic violence are making their exit from their abusive partners, the last thing to think about is grabbing underclothes.  We like to be able to provide survivors with the things they need to get restarted.  After that first shower, it is nice to have fresh underclothes.  Since we can't accept donations of such products in used condition, we are collecting new bras and underwear.  We are also collecting feminine hygeine products and ethnic hair care products.  

There are 3 easy ways to help!

1.  Visit our amazon wishlist, make a purchase and it will automatically be shipped to the shelter.  Check out the amazon wishlist here.

2.  Purchase an item at your favorite store and drop it off at our Restore Shelter on February 21st from Noon -6pm at 1900 Columbus Ave, Portsmouth.

3.  Make a financial gift and our staff will purchase needed items.

Click here to make a gift.

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